This weekend I went to Kumbakonam for an Indian wedding (to be recounted shortly). The wedding was great, but I had a lot of misadventures coming back to Hyderabad. On Sunday I got very sick, but I decided to still take the train to Chennai in order not to miss my flight back to Hyderabad on Monday morning (enough plane stories for a summer, or so I thought).
After a miserable train ride, feeling terribly ill, we got to Chennai at 5 am. I was half asleep and in a lot of pain, I couldn't walk for fear of having to run to the bathroom at any second. After taking a shower at Olga's house, I called a taxi to get to the airport; the taxi didn't show up, so I ended up taking an auto (by now I'm cutting it really close to my flight and autos go at 30 kmh, max). On the way to the airport the auto driver stops for gas and asks me for a fare advance. I look for my wallet and... it's missing. It probably fell out after I took it out in the train station in my dreamy-sick haze to pay something. Woe is me. I had money and, more importantly, my debit and credit card I've been using to get money while here. And I also really liked that wallet. Double woe.
I freaked out but I pushed on to get to the airport. I would figure a way to pay the driver. But I got to the airport at 8 am and my plane left at 8:20 am. There was no way I'd get on the plane. So I turned back to Olga's house (poor Olga is paying some past life dues: she is always around when these things happen to me), who payed the driver, gave me money, consoled me and helped me get a train to Hyderabad that afternoon.
Since then I've been trying to understand why these things happen to me, it's not normal to have something happen every other weekend, is it? So I started wondering: Did I do something wrong? Was it my fault? Could I have done something differently? (not in this case, I think) Has someone put the evil eye on me? Whyy? Is some occult power at work? As I've said before, we try to find reasons for things, no matter how absurd, even when there are none.
So I was trying to convince myself to be rational and stop trying to find ludicrous reasons, when it hit me: It was the mangoes!!
It makes perfect sense:
1. I angered the mango gods. I challenged them openly and thought I could get away with it.
2. In Hinduism, the perfectly ripe mango is often held by Lord Ganesha. Outside the wedding hall there was a Ganesha statue. AND Ganesha is the creator and remover of obstacles.
3. Ten days later, which coincidentally is the crown radius of a mango tree and the duration of Ganesha's most important festival, I got terribly sick after drinking mango juice. This caused all the other problems.
This is not superstition. It's scientific. So there's only one thing to do: Extend a public apology for saying Mexican mangoes are better. I take it back! Forgive me! I was arrogant and conceited. I was presumptuous. I went above myself. I will never do it again!
(I hope this is enough...Cross your fingers. Maybe i should do a mango offering at the temple? coconut?)

Heleninha, querida
ResponderEliminartake care!
miss you a lot!
Ay Nena! pues si , yo creo que si fue eso, caray! entonces acabaste haciendo mil horas de tren en vez del avion que ya habias pagado? tuviste que cancelar tus tarjetas? te van a mandar otras? hijole...
ResponderEliminarTal vez en paises asi hay que tener mas teorias de esas porque el caos es mucho mayor (taxis que no aparecen, etc)... Acabo de leer otra vez La lotería en Babilonia de Borges y creo que puede ser una explicacion! googleala y verás...
Me borró mi comentario, creo. Los dioses ya hasta extendieron su furia a tu blog...!
ResponderEliminarTe decía que pobre, y que sí debe haber sido eso... no hay otra explicación. Los lugares mientras más caóticos más requieren de explicaciones para darles sentido... (taxis que no llegan, etc) Acabo de releer esto, y tambien puede ser una buena explicación:
te mando un beso!
Hmmmm... la loteria es una posibilidad interesante... pero como sabría "la Compañía" cual sería el peor premio para mi? quién les dijo?
ResponderEliminarWoww que inteligente eres! es la respuesta a lo que sucedió?? pero entonces a quien hiciste enojar desde que estabas en Boston para que pasara todo lo de los vuelos??
A Samuel Harvard o como se llame jajajaja
No, mi teoría es que el caos interno trae caos externo.. cualquier situación de estrés (enfermedad, cansancio, angustia, cruda, desvelada) genera que te pasen toooodas las cosas que no pasan normalmente!! y como no estás al 100%, no tomas decisiones ni actuas adecuadamente... esto potencía los problemas..y pues todo se fastidia...